* Intel
- CompactPCI (cPCI)
6U cPCI 2nd Generation Intel Core i7 Single Board
Computer - Model PP83x/x9x
TP D2x/msd - Intel® Atom™
Processor Single Board Computer
TP B1x/3sd - 4th Generation
Intel® Core™ Processor 3U Single Board Computer
PP B1x/msd - 6U CompactPCI®
board based on 4th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor
SC5-FESTIVAL - 3U cPCI Serial Intel® Xeon® E3 v6 Gen7
mobile workstation processor
SC4-CONCERTO - 3U cPCI Serial Intel® Xeon® E3 v5 Gen6
mobile workstation processor
SC3-LARGO - 3U cPCI Serial 5th Generation Intel® CoreTM
SC6-TANGO - 3U cPCI Serial Intel® AtomTM E3900 processor
- VME64x
Intel Xeon SBC Model IC-INT-VMEb
3U VPX 4th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor
- Model TR B1x/msd
6U VPX 4th Generation Intel® Core™
Processor - Model VR E1x/msd
G4x/msd - 3U VPX™ board based on Intel® Xeon® Processor D-1500 Family
5th Generation i7 Rugged VPX SBC -
4th Generation Intel Core i7 Single Board
Computer Model SBC326
Dual Intel® Core™ i7 and Kintex 7
Intel XEON (Broadwell-DE SoC) SBC - Model
Intel Core i7, 3U VPX Single Board Computer
- Model IC-INT-VPX3c
TR D2x/msd-RCx - Intel®
Atom™, Rugged Conduction-Cooled
TR C4x/msd - 3U VPX based on
Intel® Xeon® Processor D-1500 Family
3U VPX - TR E5x/msd - Intel® Xeon®
Processor E3-1500 v5 Family Board
- CompactPCI Serial
SC5-FESTIVAL - 3U cPCI Serial Intel® Xeon® E3 v6 Gen7
mobile workstation processor
SC4-CONCERTO - 3U cPCI Serial Intel® Xeon® E3 v5 Gen6
mobile workstation processor
SC3-LARGO - 3U cPCI Serial 5th Generation Intel® CoreTM
SC6-TANGO - 3U cPCI Serial Intel® AtomTM E3900 processor
* Freescale
- CompactPCI
6U cPCI Intel Core 2 Duo Single Board Computer - Model
6U cPCI Conduction Cooled Single Board Computer -
Models 6810/6811
- Mezzanine (PMC,
8756/8757 PrPMC/XMC
Processor PMC Module with 3 Fast Ethernet
Controllers - Model 8750
Conduction Cooled PQII Processor PMC - Model 8751
AMD E8860 XMC Graphics board - Model IC-GRA-XMCc
- VME64x
6U VME/VXS SBC - Model MVME8100
6U VME e500 PowerPC - Model VME3100
6U TVME 6100–R Rugged Power PC based SBC
with 2eSST
2eSST VME MPC7457 PowerPC - Model MVME6100
6U TVME 5500–R Rugged Power PC based SBC
6U TVME 3100–R Rugged Power PC MPC8540 based SBC
6U TVME 5100–R Rugged Power PC based SBC
Emerson - 6U VMEbus 1GHz PowerPC SBC - Model MVME5500
Emerson 6U VME MPC8641 based SBC
Emerson 6U VME 5100 PowerPC - Model MVME5110 / 5100
Extended Temperature 6U VME 5106 PowerPC -
Model TVME5106 / 5107
TVME-761 Direct Plug Rear Transition Module
TVME-712 Transition Module
MPC7448 VME64x VITA 31.1 - Model 5800/5801
OpenVPX™ 3U Single Board Computer -
Model Number VPX3424
Condor 2100x
Rear I/O
* Removable
- CompactPCI (cPCI)
6U cPCI Front Removable High Capacity SATA
Storage - 6055
3C CompactPCI Serial Front Removable SATA Drive
Carrier Board for 2.5-Inch or 1.8-Inch SSDs
- Mezzanine (PMC,
Model 9301 XMC-PCIeStor High Speed PCIe Gen 2
Single SSD Adapter
Model 9302 XMC-PCIeStor High Speed PCIe Gen 2
Triple M.2 SSD Adapter
Model 9303, 9304 XMC-PCIeSor High Speed
PCIe Gen 2 Quad M.2 SSD Adapter
PMCStor-G RoHS compatible - Models
- VME64x
6U VME Front Removable High Capacity
SATA Storage - 5055
6U Front Removable OpenVPX
Storage - Model 5655
- CompactPCI
3C CompactPCI Serial Front Removable SATA Drive
Carrier Board for 2.5-Inch or 1.8-Inch SSDs
* Rotating Media
- CompactPCI
6U cPCI High Capacity SATA Storage Module -
Model 6050
6U cPCI Front Removable High Capacity SATA
Storage - 6055
3C CompactPCI Serial Front Removable SATA Drive
Carrier Board for 2.5-Inch or 1.8-Inch SSDs
6U cPCI Front Removable High Capacity SATA
Storage - 6055
- Mezzanine (PMC, XMC, FMC, AMC)
High Capacity XMC SATA storage 2.5" SSD or rotating -
SATA PMC Disk - Rotating or Solid State
Flash - Models 9262G
- VME64x
6U VME High Capacity SATA Storage Module-
Model 5050
6U VME Front Removable High Capacity
SATA Storage - 5055
6U Front Removable OpenVPX
Storage - Model 5655
6Gbps Quad Drive
Carrier Single Slot 6U VPX Board - Model 5632/3
PCIe Storage Controller, 8
Ports, Dual Drives - Model 5335/6
Dual Drive Carrier in one
3U VPX Slot - Model 5332/33
3U VPX PCIe Storage
Controller Plus Dual Drives - Model 5330/1
High Capacity 6U OpenVPX
Storage - Model 5650/51/52
- CompactPCI
3C CompactPCI Serial Front Removable SATA Drive
Carrier Board for 2.5-Inch or 1.8-Inch SSDs
* Solid State Drives
- CompactPCI (cPCI)
6U cPCI High Capacity SATA Storage Module -
Model 6050
6U cPCI Front Removable High Capacity SATA
Storage - 6055
3C CompactPCI Serial Front Removable SATA Drive
Carrier Board for 2.5-Inch or 1.8-Inch SSDs
- Mezzanine (PMC,
Model 9301 XMC-PCIeStor High Speed PCIe Gen 2
Single SSD Adapter
Model 9302 XMC-PCIeStor High Speed PCIe Gen 2
Triple M.2 SSD Adapter
Model 9303, 9304 XMC-PCIeSor High Speed
PCIe Gen 2 Quad M.2 SSD Adapter
PMCStor-G RoHS compatible - Models
High Capacity XMC SATA storage 2.5" SSD or rotating -
CC/PMCStor - Conduction Cooled
PMCStor - Model 9245 / 9246
PMCStor-G RoHS compatible - Models
- PICMG (Other)
6U cPCI Front Removable High Capacity SATA
Storage - 6055
- VME64x
6U VME High Capacity SATA Storage Module-
Model 5050
6U VME Front Removable High Capacity
SATA Storage - 5055
6U Front Removable OpenVPX
Storage - Model 5655
6Gbps Quad Drive
Carrier Single Slot 6U VPX Board - Model 5632/3
PCIe Storage Controller, 8
Ports, Dual Drives - Model 5335/6
Dual Drive Carrier in one
3U VPX Slot - Model 5332/33
3U VPX PCIe Storage
Controller Plus Dual Drives - Model 5330/1
High Capacity 6U OpenVPX
Storage - Model 5650/51/52
- CompactPCI
3C CompactPCI Serial Front Removable SATA Drive
Carrier Board for 2.5-Inch or 1.8-Inch SSDs
- Mezzanine (PMC, XMC, FMC, AMC)
FPGA Serial Controller Card with Front and Rear I/O -
Model 8046
5th Generation i7 Rugged VPX SBC -
4th Generation Intel Core i7 Single Board
Computer Model SBC326
Intel XEON (Broadwell-DE SoC) SBC - Model
Intel Core i7, 3U VPX Single Board Computer
- Model IC-INT-VPX3c
Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA Front End Processing Board -
IC-FEP-VPX6b - Virtex®-7 & QorIQTM 6U VPX
Processing Unit
TIC-FEP-VPX3c - 3U VPX Xilinx Virtex with
FMC Site
6U VPX PMC/XMC Carrier & Processing board -
Model IC-CMC-VPX6a
Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA Front End
Processing Board - Model TIC-FEP-VPX6a
- CompactPCI (cPCI)
PMC to 3U CompactPCI Carrier - Model 7000
PMC to 6U CompactPCI Carrier - Model
- VME /
6U VME Carrier for PMCs and PrPMCs - Model Ti4400
3U VPX to XMC or PMC Carrier for I/O Expansion
- CompactPCI (cPCI)
6U cPCI 1/10/40 Gigabit Ethernet
Switch-ComEth 4050e
6U cPCI GigE Switch with Layer 3 Routing -
Model T4000a
3U cPCI Rugged Conduction
Cooled - Model T4050a
6U PICMG 2.16 / VITA 31.1 with Layer 3 Routing -
Model T4050a
6U PICMG 2.16 / VITA 31.1 10 GigE Switch with Layer 3
Routing - Model T4300a
6U cPCI Light Managed Ethernet Switches - Model
6725G - 6729G series
3U CompactPCI Serial 9-Port Gigabit Ethernet
Switch for Railway and Industrial Applications
3U cPCI Serial Ethernet Switching and NIC Adapters
SN3-GONG - 3U cPCI Serial Dual-Port 10GBASE-T Ethernet
SN5-TOMBAK - 3U cPCI Serial Dual-Port SFP+10Gbps
Ethernet NIC
SN1-REVERB - 3U cPCI Serial 5-Port Gigabit Ethernet NIC
SN2-VIBRATO - 3U cPCI Serial 5-Port Gigabit Ethernet
NIC M12 Front Panel Connectors
- Mezzanine
Quad port Gigabit Ethernet copper PMC
Adapter - Model 8711-GC
Quad port Gigabit Ethernet fiber PMC
Adapter - Model 8711-GF
Quad Port Gigabit Ethernet
PMC Adapter - Model 8401
- VME64x
6U VME 1/10/40 Gigabit Ethernet Switch-ComEth
6U VME GigE Switch, Layer 3 Routing - Model
6U VME 24 port Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Switch
- Model T4070a
6U VME Managed Ethernet Switches - Model 5725G
- 5729G
3U OpenVPX/ SOSA Ethernet Switch - Model
3U OpenVPX IPRouter with 10GbE and
40GbE - Model 4582a
6U VPX 10Gig E Switch, Layer 3 routing - Model
OpenVPX Gigabit & 10/40Gigabit L3+ IP Router - Model 4510a
3U OpenVPX 10G / 40G Ethernet Switch - Model
ComEth 4580a
3U OpenVPX Hybrid Switch - Model T4410a
3U VPX Gig E Switch and Routing Engine - Model T4080a
6U VPX 10Gig E Switch, Layer 3 routing - Model
6U VME 1/10/40 Gigabit Ethernet Switch-ComEth
6U VME GigE Switch, Layer 3 Routing - Model
6U VME Managed Ethernet Switches - Model 5725G
- 5729G
- CompactPCI Serial
3U cPCI Serial Ethernet Switching and NIC Adapters
SN3-GONG - 3U cPCI Serial Dual-Port 10GBASE-T Ethernet
SN5-TOMBAK - 3U cPCI Serial Dual-Port SFP+10Gbps
Ethernet NIC
SN1-REVERB - 3U cPCI Serial 5-Port Gigabit Ethernet NIC
SN2-VIBRATO - 3U cPCI Serial 5-Port Gigabit Ethernet
NIC M12 Front Panel Connectors
* D/A &
2-Channel A/D Converter - Model 8058
32-Channel Reconfigurable RS422/RS485 Digital I/O
with 10K70 - Model 8053
* Communications
- Mezzanine (PMC, XMC, FMC, AMC)
FPGA Serial Controller Card with Front and Rear I/O -
Model 8046
4-port RS232/422/485 Asynchronous Serial Communications -
Model 8012G
16-port RS232 Asynchronous Serial Communications - Model
2-port RS232/422/485 Asynchronous Communications - Model
MIL-STD-1553 PMC interface module - Model
- CompactPCI
3U CompactPCI Serial 16-Port USB 3.0 SuperSpeed
* Audio Video Graphics
Condor VC102x
Condor 4000x - High Performance XMC graphics
with GPGPU capability
Condor GR2 3U VPX - Rugged 3U VPX
Graphics/Video with CUDA® Support
TIC-GRA-XMCc AMD E8860 XMC Graphics Board
Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA Front End Processing Board -
IC-FEP-VPX6b - Virtex®-7 & QorIQTM 6U VPX
Processing Unit
TIC-FEP-VPX3c - 3U VPX Xilinx Virtex with
FMC Site
6U VPX PMC/XMC Carrier & Processing board -
Model IC-CMC-VPX6a
Audio Card - Model 8043
Condor 2100x
Conduction Cooled Audio Sound Card - Model
PMC Audio Card - Model PMC487
* Other
64 bit, 66 MHz Metering PMC to PMC Extender - Model 8100
4-port Multi Function RS422/RS485 Digital I/O with 10K70
- Model 8017
96-Channel Reconfigurable Digital I/O with 10K70 - Model
32-Channel Reconfigurable RS422/RS485 Digital I/O
with 10K70 - Model 8053
3-port RS232/422/485 Isolated
Asynchronous Communications - Model 8075 |